59 Candles, 59 Things – Part Ten

Sixteenth Thing: Random wildlife sightings – in particular, black bears. We were just winding our way home from dinner tonight, rounded a curve and TADA! A black bear was in the middle of the road.  The opposing traffic (one car) had stopped as did we. Seeming startled, he ran off to the side, then back into the road, then back to the side when I snapped these photos (window down, safely inside the car). It doesn’t get much more thrilling than this for me!

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Last year, our bear was very close to home, in fact, right below the deck where I stood taking this picture, trying not to drop the iPhone.

Wildlife sightings, in particular the awesome black bear, had to make the list of 59 Things. I just appreciate that I had a new sighting today.

59 Candles, 59 Things – Part One

Yesterday I celebrated my 59th birthday and thought “whew, those first 58 years went by fast”.

I think back on friends and family who didn’t see their 59th birthday and realize that the greatest gift we get is waking up each day, a fresh slate.  And as I mark my 59th year, I’ve decided instead of 59 candles (which face it – is a fire hazard) I’m going to share 59 things that make me happy, in random order (and over the next few weeks so I don’t create a novel…..)

First thing: Since I retired, just a few months before my 58th birthday, I’ve slowed down and am more aware and observant of things around me. A few weeks back, while floating in the pool at my stepmom’s house, I looked towards the sun and clouds and saw a rainbow, inverted so that it looked like a big smile.  I asked her if she saw it, she did not.  I took off my glasses – and though near-sighted, I could still see it.  It lasted for quite a while, regardless of where I floated.  I like to think it was my Dad sending me that rainbow.  Rainbows have always been one of my happy things. I wish I had a picture to share with you, but the picture in my mind is there forever.  Just because I was paying attention.

Second Thing: Just the other day, Spence and I were at an amazing place, having a couple of cold Shiner Bock and enjoying beautiful waterfalls.  I looked down and saw the coolest thing and shot this video.  At first I thought it was a piece of neon colored yarn…..

Stay tuned, 57 more things to come…..