DYI Bath Products – part one

This morning after a good night’s sleep and several cups of tea, I was on a mission – to make bath salts.

Admittedly, I’ve been acquiring the supplies to do this project for some time and then got sidetracked in the summer with my gardening, traveling….. and having fun.

I gathered all my empty glass containers, essential oils, epsom and sea salts, almond oil and gel color. It was an easy project and the house smells lovely!

As a result, I ended up with sixteen containers and have bedecked them with ribbon.


  • Purple – Lavender
  • Green – Moon Tide
  • Pink – “Breathe Deeply” (Tea Tree, Rosemary, Lavender, Eucalyptus & Peppermint)
  • Orange – Grapefruit & Sweet Orange

So enthused was I with the bath salt success, that I got out the recipes and supplies for bath bombs (think LUSH) which I love. Like a mad scientist or a woman possessed, I went to work.

Initially they looked great – perfect size, round “balls” I was feeling confident and crafty.

However, as they’re drying, they’ve grown into something much larger than anticipated.  Spence is calling them “bath muffins”.  Apparently I should have made them much smaller but hey, it was my first attempt!

If they turn out to be gift worthy….I’ll post photos tomorrow.  For right now, they look like this:

A bit “puffy”, I fear when I unmold them they may not hold a shape.  In which case, I may make jars of bath fizzy crumbles which smell lovely. The Pink ones are Sweet Pea and the Green are Warm Vanilla/Lavender.

Update: not perfect nor pretty but here’s the end result for my first Bath Bombs!


Bath Bombs or Dinosaur Eggs?