Returning to Bucuti

I lost Spence in March 2017 and he was – hands down – the BEST travel partner ever! I had been to Aruba in my twenties but Spence had never been there. In 2015, we booked our trip discovering the top-rated Bucuti and Tara Beach Resort. We loved the idea of a romantic, adults only, zen location on the breathtaking Eagle Beach. We went back many times, usually for our birthdays. I blogged extensively about those trips ( search under “Travels in Aruba” or “Bucuti” in the Search bar for those posts).

Returning to this place, so full of happy memories and romance seemed daunting to me. In 2019, I traveled to Aruba (staying at an AirBnb), but when I drove by Bucuti I couldn’t even pull in the parking lot – emotions overwhelmed me.

Fast forward to autumn of 2023 when the pull to return to Bucuti had started to dominate my thoughts. Because it’s focused on being a romantic couples resort, would they take a solo traveler? Prepared for either a yes or no, I emailed their concierge and explained my situation. Moments later I had the loveliest email saying how sorry they were about Spence and that YES – I could come back and they’d be happy to help me make new memories. I immediately booked a week in a deluxe Ocean View room! 

I expected to be flooded with memories but it was okay. I believe Spence was watching over me and was happy I was back at Bucuti.

There will be several posts to come as I recount the fun I had…stay tuned.

4 thoughts on “Returning to Bucuti

  1. So happy you are able to make these new memories. Looks so lovely!!! Enjoy. I am sure Spence’s spirit is right there with you!!!

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