59 Candles, 59 Things -part twenty six

Thirty fourth thing:  In my series, 59 Candles, 59 Things, I’ve chosen to share those things that make me happy, commemorating my 59th year.

I love tea, specifically, hot tea. Never having been able to enjoy coffee (don’t judge), tea has been part of my daily life for at least thirty years.

Starting my day with tea is soothing. Even when I was working, I’d purposely get up an hour earlier than needed to have two cups of tea, Biscotti and Tipper (my cats in case you’re new to my blog) snuggling with me and often, with a few candles lit – especially on cold, dark winter mornings. In retirement, it remains a peaceful start to every morning.

True that!

I even wrote a poem about tea last year in writing class:

Cup of Tea

When did it start, this morning ritual? Rising earlier than necessary to awaken slowly, sipping a cup of tea
Starting another day, snuggling with a purring cat. Comfort. Stillness.
Sleep frequently elusive, restless for years.
Sipping tea, a chance to reflect and be grateful if only for a few minutes each day.

Starting another day, snuggling with a purring cat. Comfort. Stillness.
Wish I could stay here all day and feel this perfect peace, away from all the craziness in the world
Sipping tea, a chance to reflect and be grateful if only for a few minutes each day.
So lucky am I, I see it now.

Wish I could stay here all day and feel this perfect peace, away from all the craziness in the world
Lost in thought, wrapped in a little cocoon of warm, soothing elixir, this tea.
So lucky am I, I see it now.
The day begins in a safe place of reflection, reminding me I’m blessed.

Lost in thought, wrapped in a little cocoon of warm, soothing elixir, this tea.
Sleep frequently elusive, restless for years.
The day begins in a safe place of reflection, reminding me I’m blessed.
When did it start, this morning ritual? Rising earlier than necessary to awaken slowly, sipping a cup of tea.

In a world where there is more than enough stress to go around, tea relaxes me.

I have a shelf in my pantry dedicated to tea, however, this represents only half of the varieties I have in my cupboards.  Variety is good, right?

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Just a few types of tea on display…

There are days when I’m overstimulated by activity, the evening news or simply know that I’m not going to fall asleep easily.  Sleepytime, Tulsi Sleep or chamomile tea can be beneficial, calming me.

Words to live by, for sure.

What things make you happy?

I hope you’ll check out more of my 59 Things series, perhaps while enjoying a cup of tea….

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