Sunshine Blogger Award

I learned yesterday that my blog was the recipient of the Sunshine Blogger Award by Jessica at If you haven’t heard of The Sunshine Blogger Award, it’s an award for bloggers from bloggers. It’s a way of recognizing bloggers who are positive and who creatively inspire others. Jessica’s blog is one that I enjoy as well and I hope you’ll check her out as her blog is terrific!


Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
Nominate 11 bloggers and add their links.
Notify the bloggers you included.
Keep the rules in your post.

The Questions for me:

  1. What makes you happy?  So many things, hmmm….retirement, a rare, really good night’s sleep, sitting in my garden or in front of a roaring fire with a glass of wine and Spence by my side. 
  2. What makes you laugh out loud? Funny animal videos and always Jon Stewart when he did The Daily Show.  
  3. Who’s your favourite comedian or comedic actor?  One of my favorite stand up comedians is Tim Bedore  Why? He does Wednesday morning segments called “Vague but True” on the Bob & Tom Radio Show that are so clever and original. I have several of his CD’s, saw him in person and got a chance to meet him.  “Animal Conspiracy” is a classic.  Spence and I take the CD’s on road trips and crack up every time we listen. Brilliant. 
  4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Barcelona or Santorini have been on my bucket list for years.
  5. What’s your favorite season or time of year? You might think with my love of gardening that it would be summer but I adore the autumn in Michigan.  That first cool down in temps, the color changes of the trees that takes your breath away is hard to top.  My second favorite is spring when everything starts to come back to life, green grass, flowering trees, hyacinth, tulips, bluebells and daffodils appear.
  6. Do you crave sweet or savoury food? Since going on Weight Watchers seven months ago, I’ve weaned myself off sweets (among other things) and find that I’m craving salty and savory dishes.  Which is not to say that I don’t have the occasional piece of pie….
  7. If you had a theme song, what song would it be? “Everything” by Michael Buble is such a happy song about having found that someone who is your everything.  You simply can’t be sad if that song comes on and I never tire of it. It’s a musical anti-depressant.
  8. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? This may not be the answer you were going for but being able to retire at age 57 was the greatest gift. I consider that I gave it to myself but also that Spence gave it to me since I never could have done it with out his full support.  It has opened up the best chapter of my life so far. 
  9. Do you prefer talking or texting? I was late to the texting party and I like the convenience but nothing beats talking with eye contact, smiles and laughter.
  10. What inspired you to start blogging? I’ve always enjoyed writing and had talked about doing it in retirement.  Blogging felt like the perfect outlet, allowing me to share a broad variety of things that I love.  I never would have dreamt that I’d love it so much and would reach so many supportive people from all over the world – that’s been the most lovely surprise!
  11. Besides blogging, what else do you enjoy doing? I enjoy cooking, gardening, travel, wine, reading, movies, dancing, music, snuggling with our cats, Tipper and Biscotti, seeing friends and family and hanging out with Spence.  And watching the Food Network.  And binge watching TV series.  And as I mentioned before, a good night’s sleep! 

My nominees (and I hope you’ll check them out) are:

  1. Swamp Yankee Style
  2. Aishwaryasivakumar
  3. Unwed Housewife
  4. Savannahs Paw Tracks
  5. Purrseidon
  6. Anna’s Gardening, Antics & Musings
  7. Tea in Wonderland
  8. Artsy Teen
  9. Eat Simple Love Food
  10. Kittens with Selfies
  11. Bunny eats Design

And here are the questions for my nominees, should they accept the Sunshine Blogger Award:

  1. If you could choose your favorite meal, what would it be?
  2. Are you a morning or an evening person?
  3. What goals have you not yet achieved?
  4. You get to pick a movie to watch tonight – do you choose comedy, drama, chick flick or slasher?
  5. Who is your favorite author?
  6. Who do you most admire?
  7. If you had three wishes, what would they be?
  8. Do you speak more than one language?
  9. Name one of the items on your bucket list?
  10. What’s one thing about you that most people don’t know?
  11. Fill in the blank “I wish ________”

I hope my nominees will accept and I look forward to reading their answers. If not, just know that your blogs brighten my day and I look forward to your posts!! Thank you again Jessica for your nomination.



Sunshine Blogger Award

I’m humbled and grateful to accept another award for Spence’s Girl from a blogger I’ve admired for a long while,  Sabine is a world-class contributor to the blogosphere. She travels the world, loves nature, gardening, cooking (and shares great recipes) and is a talented photographer and story teller. I’ve learned alot from her and appreciate her support of my blog; I hope you’ll check her out.

Here are the the Sunshine Blogger Award rules:

Thank the person who nominated you!
Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
Nominate 11 other bloggers and let them know they were nominated.
Ask the nominees 11 questions

1. Dream vacation! Where would you go? My dream vacation is a European Riverboat Cruise (as advertised on Downton Abbey).  The Greek Isles and visiting Spain are also very much on my Bucket List…. 

Here’s hoping…..

2. Which book are you reading at the moment? Just this morning I finished “Re-Inventing Mona” which was a fun read and before that, “A Street Cat Named Bob” which I loved. Next up, “A Memory of Violets” which was highly recommended by my sister and mom. 
3. Who is your favorite poet? Maya Angelou 
4. What is your favorite time of day to write for your blog? Being retired, I can blog at any time the mood strikes but would say my most productive window is likely after 11:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m.
5. Do you have any pets and what kind? I have the two most adorable, loving and fun kitties, Tipper and Biscotti.  Natural brothers (though different kitty-daddies), they were born in our backyard garden to Chica, a beautiful feral calico cat.

Are these two cute or what?

6. How many and which languages do you speak? Fluent in English, some “Spanglish” (picked up during 15 years of vacationing in Costa Rica) and studied five years of French in high school which comes in handy now when dining in a French restaurant.
7. What is your favorite flower? I’ve photographed and shared countless flower pictures from my garden and travels on this blog.  A favorite?  I have to say it’s between my glorious irises and peonies. (And I’d add Hydrangeas as a favorite though growing them and getting any blooms has vexed me for years…)

8.  Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? A nearly impossible choice for me as Spence and I adore Aruba and yet we feel equally as passionate about our many trips to the Great Smoky Mountains and the Canadian Rockies.  I simply can’t choose. Next question please….
9.  What type of music do you like? I was a teenager in the 70’s and fell in love with the music and artists from that era. In fact I will be fulfilling a life long dream next month when I go to see The Who!  Jethro Tull, Joni Mitchell, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, James Taylor and Carole King are among my favorite artists. I enjoy nearly all types of music…
10. Which fruit do you enjoy eating the most? Another tricky question….I love most fruit but raspberries fresh picked from the garden on a warm day are hard to beat!
11. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Though I know dark chocolate has health benefits and I do enjoy it, I’d have to say milk chocolate!

My 11 Nominees are….

  1. – I’ve recently discovered this fun website about Chris, a former shelter cat who even has his own book (impressive) and looks very much like my Biscotti.  Together with his humans, siblings Frankie and Puck, the self-proclaimed “baddest cat you’ll ever love” is always a delight. If you love cats – and seriously, who doesn’t, check out this blog!
  2. – another recently discovered blog which features Rumpy Dog, an Alaskan Malamute rescued from a busy street.  After no one claimed him, was adopted into a loving home along with June Buggie Cat, a darling ginger feline. There are also great posts contributed by their Mom and it’s a new favorite of mine!
  3. – Melissa, a wife and mom of two whose passion for her family equals her passion for cooking. Her blog offers up scrumptious recipes that are  comfort food – both nuturing and nourishing.  Check her out!
  4. – Pat is a Cleveland based, amateur chef who loves food and really knows how to cook it. Beyond recipes, on this blog you will learn things about food prep and technique. For the foodies out there, this is a blog you should be following.
  5. – Ronit’s blog “Tasty Eats” is well named. She’s worked as an Executive and Restaurant Chef, Caterer and more, across the globe. Now a Private Chef, she’s published a cookbook, working on the next one, does cooking demos and is a champion of “from scratch” cooking, something I’m passionate about as well.  I’ve reblogged recipes from her, the diversity of her repetoire is astonishing and so creative, again for you foodies….
  6. – Julie is a French cook living in America. Her recipes are healthy, mostly vegetarian and always creative, appealing with photos and how-to’s to assure that you have the same delicious success that she did while crafting them. Her Three Ingredients Banana Pancakes have intrigued me as has the Sweet Potato Gnocchi with a Brown Butter and Sage Sauce….magnificique! Did I mention the recipes appear in both English and French?
  7. – Written by a Mom, this blog incorporates family friendly, home-cooking meals that make you hungry and inspired to prepare them. She and her family have recently relocated to Michigan (my state), are Disney enthusiasts and when you read her blog, you’ll find she is someone you’d like to hang out with.
  8. – This blog “Source of Inspiration” offers stunning photography of nature coupled with inspirational and lovely poetry.  There is something so calming and zen in reading these posts. Though short in length, the warm embrace you feel when visiting this blog remains with you.  For those seeking a moment to be tranquil and breathe deeply, follow the link above.
  9.  – Suzy Barker shares her photography and perspective with stories and musings about life in the English countryside. She is a self-described “daft midlife scribbler” (love that) and promises her followers a crack-pot ride? I’m in!
  10. – Five years ago, Sarah taught herself to cook, finding not only did she have a knack for it but also discovering her passion for it. (I can relate!) She has oodles of yummy recipes but also how-to’s which afford opportunities to learn new techniques.
  11. – Unwed Housewife is a fun blog I recently found after she liked one of my posts. A Texan, now living in the midwest, she is a stay at home mom to two cats (me too!) and is all about domestic bliss, cooking and recipes. What’s not to like here?

Congratulations to all those nominated! Keep on blogging and thank you for your contributions to the Blogosphere – you rock! Now…here are your 11 questions:

  1. What is a fun fact about you, never shared until now on your blog?
  2. Early riser or night owl?
  3. Glass half-empty or half-full?
  4. Who is your favorite author?
  5. What inspires you?
  6. Favorite vacation spot?
  7. Peanut butter – crunchy, smooth or peanut allergy?
  8. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
  9. Sunrise or sunset?
  10. Are you a multi-tasker, procrastinator or laser focused?
  11. What was the last great movie you’ve seen? (theater, rental or streaming)