In the garden 9/16/21

Leaves are falling and my garden is still producing beautiful blooms. As I did my daily “garden tour” I was inspired to photograph and share them.

I’ve been obsessed with hydrangeas for years but have had little success other than healthy green plants. In April I hired a professional landscaping company to make the front of my home prettier. Among other lovely plants he brought in three hydrangeas, all of which have been blooming for months, I was thrilled. Success at last!

Always lovely are my turtleheads, flowering garlic chives and annuals that continue to add punches of color…

Life is better when surrounded by the beauty of nature isn’t it?

Beauty in my garden 

We’ve finally had several days of what I call “serious rain”.

Enough that I have to dump the decorative pots holding some of my larger, deck-potted plants.

Enough that it doesn’t evaporate immediately after it stops and best of all sometimes falling all through the night.

As a result everything looks lush, green….and overgrown. I’ve been going out for 1-2 hours each day to dead-head, pull weeds and ground cover that has taken over.  While doing so today, I was thrilled to see that finally, one of my 3 hydrangeas has a blossom.  Snapdragons and moss roses are coming up in the cracks between pavers as successfully as the ones planted in containers and beds.

Even my garlic chives have flowered! Here’s what’s up in my garden oasis….

I ❤️ Hydrangeas!

Spence and I went to the local greenhouse today in search of a replacement birdbath and mulch. While we didn’t see a birdbath that we loved, I bought the mulch while Spence bought me this gorgeous hydrangea. 


Spence also purchased this little flowering cactus on the left, full of white blossoms. 

We also got this little Pocketbook plant, named for the flowers that look like little handbags. 

And with my first greenhouse purchase behind me, so it begins…..