“Are you paying attention?”

Crazy cat-loving blogger that I am, I can’t take credit for this photo but I felt compelled to post it. The subtlety and restraint shown by this patient cat contrasts dramatically with my boys when they are hungry – Biscotti in particular.  Mine haven’t mastered silverware and thus are less “evolved” than this cat who I’ve named Gus (don’t ask why – he could be a girl cat but I’m betting not).  I don’t know if Gus would stay this way indefinitely or revert to a scene from Oliver Twist where the orphanage kids, silverware in hands, start pounding the table and demanding food.  But I digress….

Gus, sitting patiently & hoping his person has a plan to feed him sometime today......repeating his mantra
Gus, sitting patiently & hoping his person has a plan to feed him sometime today……repeating his mantra “patience is a virtue”

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