Fifty….I mean Fifteen Shades of Biscotti

For those of you who have visited Spence’s Girl before, you’ve seen posts that feature my two cats, Tipper and Biscotti (aka The Biscuit).  Today’s post came about because of a blog I adore called Creekview Carol. Creekview Carol is a lovely black and white cat from Paris Kentucky who is a gifted writer and shares stories and photos about her siblings – both cats and furry beasts (or dogs).  It is highly entertaining, I always read it aloud to Biscotti and Tipper; they love seeing the pictures Carol posts.

Biscotti has been after me to do a “feature post” (his words) about him.  I didn’t catch on at first until I noticed he was constantly posing for me.  The Biscuit isn’t allowed to use my MacBook so the compromise is me blogging on his behalf. He helped to choose the photos and captions.

Here’s looking at you!

Biscotti and Tipper have been featured in earlier posts on this blog. If you enjoyed this, they’d love for you to check more of Spence’s Girl under “Cat Stuff”.

And if you want a real treat, check out – it is a really great blog!

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