Hearts in Nature

Spence and I have a habit of picking up rocks on our adventures, traveling the world. We also gather shells, beach glass and other “found” items that cross our path. They are displayed around our house, on the deck, in the flowerbeds often residing in potted plants. 

The three pictured above we found in different locals, I’m not sure where. 

I think they look like hearts. 

Nature is always sending me gifts, I simply have to be paying attention. 

4 thoughts on “Hearts in Nature

  1. Then we have something in common: I collect stones, shells, beach glass etc., too. From the beach glass I make jewellery and the rest is just put into big glasses or the garden. Your stones are beautiful.

  2. I have some jewelry made with sea glass but am not clever enough to make it myself. I love bringing nature inside, finding those treasures in travels and surrounding ourselves with them makes for happy memories. Thanks for your kind comments. It’s nice to meet a like minded blogger!

  3. I also have an amazing collection of hearts …. shells.. stones.. sea glass …. and my bucket list includes Sedona & Amsterdam💜 thrilled to find you & your musings 💚

    1. Isn’t it fun to collect things along the way when traveling? My home is filled with rocks, shells, sea glass and the like. If Sedona and Amsterdam are on your list, there are series on my blog on “Travels in Arizona” and “Scenes from Europe” featuring both of those places, both we love. You can also use “Search” and put in Sedona and Amsterdam specifically. Enjoy!

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