High Five! Another Award – Encouraging Thunder

High Five from Biscotti!
High Five from Biscotti!  He just happened to be nearby when I screamed “woo hoo!” and did my “happy dance” after receiving this award!

Today I was delighted to learn that I’d received an award for Spence’s Girl from Janey at Cupids or Cats, a blogger that I truly admire for her humor, candor and creativity! It means so much to be nominated by someone whose talent I regard and who I’ve come to think of as a friend though we’ve never met. Janey, I thank you for this award; you honor and inspire me.

I encourage everyone who doesn’t know of her blog to check it out at:


Here’s my bright, shiny new award!

It's so awesome!
It’s so awesome!

What you can do with the award?

Post it on your blog – √
Grant other bloggers with the award – read on, I’ll get to that

What you can’t do with the award?

Abuse or misuse the logo  – I solemnly swear – no abuse or misuse
Claim that it’s your own handmade logo – no one would believe me if I tried to claim that (haha)

What you should do after receiving award:

Enjoy the award – I’m thinking about pouring a glass of wine right now!
At least give thanks via comments and likes and/or mentioning the blog who gave the award – first thing I did (see above to refresh your memory)

Mention your purpose in blogging – 

For the last several years, I told people that I wanted to write a book. I ping-ponged around with what kind of book – a cookbook? humorous novel based on comical anecdotes from my real life? travel tales (culled from my voluminous journaling)? a children’s story about the colony of feral cats (all of whom Spence and I have named) and their adventures in our garden? You see the problem? No clear focus.  On October 31, 2014 I quit talking about writing and started this blog.

I was attracted to blogging because it felt like a safe place to talk about my life and adventures with Spence, Tipper and Biscotti, post favorite recipes, share my best photos, interests and passions while doing some creative writing.

I’ve been bowled over by the kind comments, feedback and acceptance from those who visit Spence’s Girl, most of whom I’ve never met – and from so many places around the planet. It boggles my mind that you’ve discovered my little blog; your support brings me incredible happiness. 

To all of you who visit Spence’s Girl, I send out my heartfelt gratitude.

In turn, I’d like to nominate the following blogs for this award:

creekviewcarol.com a blog that brings me endless enjoyment

mangoestomutts.coma blog that truly represents the beautiful heart & mind of this blogger

4 thoughts on “High Five! Another Award – Encouraging Thunder

  1. Firstly, thank you so much for the kind words 🙂 You rock!
    Secondly, I love your piece here about your blog. I’m so glad that you started it! It’s a very cheerful place and cats are always a bonus. I’ve also found that literally everyone is so kind and supportive, it really restores my faith in humanity 🙂

  2. I feel the same way Janey. In a world where bullying and criticism are rampant, I’ve found an appreciation for the supportive and nurturing community of the blogosphere. It reminds me of how I was raised “if you can say something nice, say nothing at all”. It has been a warm-fuzzy-blanket feeling to be embraced by such talented and like minded people. It does restore your faith. 😊

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination!! I’m going to try to shut everyone out of MY office so I can give my acceptance some serious thought. It’s impossible to think right now with Ethel harassing Steve [she claims otherwise] and The General and Walter running from window to window obsessing about the squirrels!

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